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Please post your details and CV's at the following address:



You will be Contacted soon, INSHALLAH.

We currently have the following positions open:

Software Programmer (FoxPro) - For Karachi Only.

Must have practical experience of developing some projects using FoxPro. Knowledge of Business Systems and Logic will be appreciated.
Please send your resume to waseem@awasoftware.com

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Software Support Executive (FoxPro) - For Karachi and Lahore.

Must be good in understanding business solutions and good in customer interactions. Can provide Support and Training to Users in different companies. Knowledge of FoxPro environment is appreciated.
Please send your resume to waseem@awasoftware.com

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Software Developer (Visual Basic, SQL Server, Crystal Reports etc.) For Karachi Only.

Must have very good knowledge of Visual Basic Development environment, and have developed projects using VB. Must have used and handled SQL Server Databases with proficeint in SQL Queires and Database Handling with Stored Procedures, Functions, DTS etc. Must have practical knowledge of Crystal Reports for making business customized reports. Must have knowledge of Distrubuted Development Architechture (MTS/DCOM/MSMQ etc.)
Please send your resume to info@awasoftware.com

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